Geometric Collaboration
At Via Capitale Mont-Royal, we love to share our favourite moments with our subscribers: whether it’s to highlight the liveliness of a neighbourhood, to showcase one of our star listings, or even to reveal a special cause that is dear to us. Created in 2016, our Instagram account (www.instagram.com/viacapitaledumontroyal/) is our platform of choice, a place for us to share all our precious discoveries with you.
We often meet talented people along the way, and these last few months, we’ve fallen head over heels for Morgane Clément-Gagnon. We’ve been following her for some time now, admiring her beautiful geometric photos on her Instagram account. (Have a look here: www.instagram.com/morgane8677/)
Morgane Clément-Gagnon is making a name for herself with her photo Aspirations (see below), which won her the third prize at the Intercollegiate Photography Contest.
We met up with Morgane so that she could photograph our Via Capitale du Mont-Royal agency, as well as a few other of our listings. A passionate photographer, she agreed to share her knowledge and talk to us about her craft.
Fascinated by lines and geometry, Morgane is the ideal person to take us on a journey through her unique and impromptu photography.
We had the pleasure of following her for a few hours as she took photos, and are delighted to share this adventure with you.
Our journey began at 214 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, where a front door caught our attention. A large decal with white flowers is affixed to the windows, creating a striking symmetry between the two adjacent doors.
Some of you might see a beautiful full moon in the following photo—but that’s not quite right! Morgane actually captured a stunning view of the sun—in broad daylight!
We continued our journey to 1022 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, where Morgane’s curiosity was piqued by a brick wall. Such painstaking work went into the construction of this wall, with its meticulous alignment of bricks, creating a stunning effect.
Our next stop was 5755 Waverly Street. Geometry enthusiasts will undoubtedly love this building’s conceptual facade, where rectangular and triangular shapes are skillfully juxtaposed.
And what do we see here? That’s right, it’s our Via Capitale du Mont-Royal building! But this time, it’s photographed through the bay window. Impressive, don’t you think? ☺
Find all these beautiful photos on our Instagram account (www.instagram.com/morgane8677/) and follow us for more exciting discoveries!
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