Eating outdoors during the warm season is great, and it’s even better in a welcoming yard!

However, it isn’t always easy to make your yard warm and practical for the occasion. Try out these tips and your guests will have the best night out!


Comfort Above All

When spending a beautiful summer evening in the yard, you want it to go on as long as possible and create many wonderful memories. That’s why it’s essential that your yard is laid out in a comfortable manner.

Feel free to take out your kitchen table and chairs which are usually cozier. If you choose plastic chairs, simply add cushions to improve comfort.

Also, plan a rest and chat area with an outdoor sofa or cushions placed directly on the ground. If your municipality allows it, you could also install an outdoor fireplace!

Leave throws here and there so that guests can warm themselves up as needed and plan places where they can put down their cocktails or glasses of beer.

Do not Neglect Lighting

Keep in mind that your summer evenings will go on after darkness falls. It is therefore important that your yard is well lit.

Garlands with white lights are a good choice. You can install them in trees or on parasols. Lanterns can also help create a warm atmosphere. If you need brighter light, consider getting extension cords and taking your floor lamps outside.

Keep Practicality in Mind

There is nothing worse than an overloaded table when receiving guests. Prepare a sideboard: this service cart will be used for wine bottles and food platters to allow guests to serve themselves as needed.

You can also decorate the table to add some life to it, but if you choose to add flowers, opt for a small bouquet to allow your guests to see each other properly. A curtain that can be opened or closed, a pergola or a gazebo are all good options to protect from the weather and the sun.

Lemongrass-scented candles or a mosquito net will keep you safe from mosquitoes. Heated parasols or a patio heater are also much appreciated on cooler evenings.

Create a Pleasant Atmosphere

Lastly, have an audio speaker and play music that is sometimes festive, sometimes quieter. Also remember to have scented candles and spread mosquito-repelling devices, such as lemongrass torches, around the yard.

These tips will allow you to organize successful evenings and meals in your yard throughout the summer. Feel free to add a personal touch to make your guests feel at home, even though you will be outside!