On May 22nd, the Association professionnelle des courtiers immobiliers du Québec released the results of a Léger survey on Quebecers’ perception of real estate brokers.
The 2019 data, compared to 2013, are unequivocal: there has been a significant increase in Quebecers’ confidence in brokers.
The statistics
According to the survey, 82% of residents who want to buy or sell a home in the next year plan to hire a real estate broker, an increase of more than 20% from the 2013 data (60%).
In addition to trust, it is also noted that people who have used the services of a broker are more satisfied. Respondents did give brokers better overall ratings on a variety of other aspects, such as their knowledge of the laws and regulations related to the sale of a property (87% in 2019 versus 83% in 2013), obtaining the best possible price by the broker (75% in 2019 versus 71% in 2013) and the accurate and objective assessment of the property (81% versus 76% in 2013).
The relevance of doing business with a professional is demonstrated: In Montreal, 98% of residents who used the services of a broker in 2019 managed to sell their home! Of these, 93% say they are satisfied with the work of their real estate broker when selling or buying their property.
What are the factors behind this renewed confidence?
The Organisme d’Autorèglementation du Courtage Immobilier du Québec, L’OACIQ tightened the rules surrounding access to the profession in 2010. This is proving successful and new brokers are better trained:
A mandatory training course, a more difficult entrance exam, more rigorous supervision by agency managers; all these elements contribute to raising the standards of our profession.
And what about Via Capitale du Mont-Royal?
Being above the fray has always been part of our DNA. We choose our brokers carefully. We work every day to improve our knowledge, techniques, writing and interpersonal skills.
Since 2015, every client who makes a real estate transaction with one of our brokers is contacted in order to know his experience.
Our customers’ satisfaction rate is 97%.
Every day, we work to achieve this goal and we are proud of it.